How to be a real hippie?

How to be a real hippie?

Being a true hippie is much more than a clothing style or a musical preference. It is adopting a philosophy of life that has marked generations. Born in the 1960s, the hippie movement symbolizes freedom, peace, love and a deep connection with nature. These ideals, countercultural in their time, continue to inspire today. In this guide, we'll explore the different facets of this lifestyle: from iconic fashion to spiritual practices, music, art and social engagement. Whether you are a long-time admirer of this culture or simply curious to understand its roots and heritage, this journey through the hippie universe promises to be enriching. Prepare to dive into a world where there is freedom of expression, mutual respect and a burning desire to change the world for the better.

Understanding the Essence of the Hippie Movement: History and Philosophy


The hippie movement, born in the 1960s , remains an emblematic period of modern cultural history. This era of social and cultural revolution marked the world with its ideals of peace , love and freedom . To fully understand what it means to be a true hippie, it is essential to delve into the roots of this movement.

The Origin of the Hippie Movement

In the heart of the 1960s, a generation of young people rose up, challenging established norms and conventions. Influenced by the political context, notably the Vietnam War, and a thirst for change, this movement began in the United States before spreading across the world. The hippie counterculture was built on a foundation of desire for individual freedom , rejecting the materialistic values ​​of contemporary society.

Influences and Inspirations

Hippies drew on a diversity of influences, from psychedelic music to Eastern philosophies. Figures like Bob Dylan and the Beatles played a crucial role in shaping hippie consciousness, using their music as a means of expression and revolution. The craze for traveling to India, meditation and yoga also helped shape their worldview. At the same time, the adoption of distinctive clothing such as the hippie tunic , often decorated with colorful patterns and peace symbols, became emblematic of their desire for freedom and non-conformism. These tunics symbolized not only a rejection of traditional dress norms but also an embrace of varied cultures and ideologies, turning the gaze toward spiritual practices and alternative lifestyles.

Key Values ​​of the Movement

The values ​​of peace, love and freedom are the pillars of the hippie movement. The famous motto "Make love, not war" reflects their opposition to violence and their aspiration for a more harmonious world. This quest for peace was accompanied by an unconditional love for humanity and nature, manifested in community living, often outside of cities, and a deep respect for the environment.

Cultural Impact and Integration into Modern Life

The legacy of the hippies transcends time. They initiated significant changes in fashion, music, art, and even influenced political and environmental perspectives. Today, their ideals can be integrated into our daily lives. This can translate into more conscious lifestyle choices, such as responsible consumption, a more peaceful approach to conflict, and a search for balance between the material and the spiritual.

By understanding the essence of this movement, we not only grasp an important page of history, but we also discover lessons and inspirations to enrich our current lives. The hippies taught us that the quest for a better world begins with changes at the individual level. Adopting aspects of their philosophy today means continuing to bring their spirit of freedom and love to life.

Adopting the Hippie Style: Authentic Fashion and Appearance


The hippie style, more than just a trend, is the expression of a culture and a philosophy of life which advocates freedom, peace and love. In this part, we will explore the iconic elements of hippie fashion and give you tips for incorporating this style into your wardrobe with a modern touch.

Tie-Dye Clothing: An Explosion of Colors

Tie-dye clothing is arguably the most recognizable symbol of hippie fashion. This dyeing technique that creates colorful, psychedelic patterns is not only a fashion choice, but also a celebration of creativity and individuality. To embrace this style today, you can choose tie-dye pieces in more subtle hues or modernized designs, pairing them with more neutral clothing to balance out your outfit.

Headbands: Accessories of Freedom

Headbands , often worn around the head or across the forehead, were a key part of the hippie appearance . They symbolized not only a relaxed style but also a spirit of freedom and non-conformism. Today, incorporate patterned or natural fabric headbands to add a casual, bohemian touch to your look.

Bell Bottom Jeans: The Return of a Classic

Bell-bottom jeans, with their iconic flared silhouette, perfectly embody the rebellious and carefree spirit of the hippie years. Modernize this classic by choosing high-waisted versions, pairing them with fitted tops or patterned shirts for a look that's both vintage and contemporary.

Pearl Jewelry and Natural Accessories

Beaded jewelry, hippie jackets , and accessories made from natural materials such as wood, stones, or feathers were omnipresent in hippie fashion. These elements add an earthy, authentic touch to any ensemble. Opt for wooden bead necklaces or braided bracelets to complete your outfit with elegance and simplicity.

By incorporating these elements into your wardrobe, you can not only embrace the hippie style but also capture its spirit: a blend of freedom, personal expression and a connection with nature and the core values ​​of this culture unique.

Hippie Music and Art: A Lasting Influence


The hippie movement marked a revolution not only in social behavior, but also in the world of music and art. This period, rich in innovations and artistic expressions, left an indelible mark on several generations.

The Musical Legacy of the Hippies

Hippie music, with its engaging lyrics and psychedelic melodies, played a crucial role in defining the movement's identity. Artists such as Jimi Hendrix , Janis Joplin , and the Grateful Dead not only captured the era's spirit of freedom and rebellion, but also helped shape the modern musical landscape. Their works, marked by a quest for peace and love, continue to inspire and influence current musicians. Incorporating their songs into your daily playlist or exploring their biographies can be a great way to connect with the hippie spirit.

Hippie Art: Expression and Revolution

Hippie art is characterized by its bright colors, psychedelic patterns, and peace symbolism. This form of artistic expression was not only aesthetic, but also a way to challenge norms and promote values ​​of peace and unity. Concert posters, tie-dye clothing, and murals were all ways of expressing these ideals. Today, these elements can be incorporated into home decor, clothing, or even personal art to bring a hippie touch to your environment.

Tips for Integrating Hippie Music and Art into Daily Life

  1. Create a Hippie Musical Atmosphere : Start by integrating hippie music into your daily routine. Whether during your relaxation time, while working, or during evenings with friends, the music of this era can create a unique and inspiring atmosphere.
  2. Adopt Hippie Art in Your Decor : Use hippie artistic elements to decorate your living space. This can range from vintage concert posters to murals inspired by psychedelic art.
  3. Take inspiration from Hippie Icons for your Wardrobe : Integrate hippie fashion elements into your clothing style. Accessories like headbands, beaded jewelry, or even a simple tie-dye t-shirt can add a hippie touch to your outfit.

In conclusion, hippie music and art, with their rich cultural heritage and lasting influence, offer an inexhaustible source of inspiration for those seeking to embrace this spirit in their daily lives. By incorporating these elements, you can not only pay homage to an iconic era, but also bring a touch of creativity and freedom into your personal environment.

Hippie Food and Lifestyle: Living in Harmony


In the collective imagination, the hippie movement, with its colorful and distinctive 70s outfits, often evokes images of freedom, peace, and a return to nature. At the heart of this philosophy is a way of life centered on harmony with oneself and one's environment. Hippie food and lifestyle, often accompanied by 70s outfits reflecting a non-conformist lifestyle, are concrete expressions of this quest for harmony, combining respect for nature and community aspirations.

Adopting a Respectful Diet

The hippie movement has always been distinguished by its conscious approach to food. Vegetarian and vegan diets , favored by many hippies, are more than just food choices; they represent an ethical and ecological approach. By adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet, we reduce our carbon footprint, support biodiversity and respect animal life. To integrate these eating habits into your daily life, start by incorporating vegetarian dishes into your weekly routine, discover new recipes, and explore alternatives to animal products. The market today offers a wide range of plant substitutes that can enrich your diet while remaining faithful to the principles of the hippie movement.

Respect for the Environment: A Daily Commitment

Respect for the environment is another fundamental pillar of the hippie lifestyle. This translates into concrete actions: reducing energy consumption, favoring ecological transport, recycling, and even participating in nature conservation projects. To live in harmony with the Earth, every gesture counts. Adopt simple daily practices such as using biodegradable products, composting, or carpooling. These actions, although small, contribute to a significant overall impact.

Community Life: Rediscovering Human Connections

Finally, the hippie lifestyle strongly encourages community living. This dimension manifests itself through sharing, mutual aid, and the construction of authentic relationships based on values ​​of peace and love. Joining or creating communities, whether physical or virtual, allows you to reconnect with a deep sense of the collective. Attending workshops, discussion groups, or local events can be a great way to get started. These spaces offer the opportunity to exchange, learn from each other, and create lasting connections.

By following these principles, you are not just adopting a diet or a set of ecological practices; you embrace a way of life that celebrates the connection with nature and community, foundations of the hippie movement. Each conscious choice, each thoughtful action, brings you closer to this ideal of living in harmony. This can even be reflected in your daily environment, by adopting a 70s decor , which evokes this era of free expression and unity with nature.

Hippie Activism: Commitment to a Better World

Hippie activism, at the heart of the 1960s movement, symbolizes a deep commitment to social and environmental change . This era was marked by a revolt against established norms, a yearning for peace and a burgeoning environmental awareness. Today, these values ​​remain more relevant than ever.

The Legacy of the Hippie Movement in Modern Activism

Hippies were pioneers in adopting alternative lifestyles and fighting for social causes. They advocated love , freedom and solidarity , inspiring many future generations. Their influence is still felt in current environmental and social movements. By understanding this heritage, we can better understand the importance of perpetuating this spirit of activism.

Drawing inspiration from the past to act today

To follow in the footsteps of the hippies, it is essential to take a proactive approach in our daily lives. This involves getting involved in local causes , supporting green initiatives and promoting tolerance and equality . Everyone can make their contribution, whether through small daily actions or through engagement in larger movements.

Music and Art as Means of Expression and Change

Music and art, fundamental in hippie culture, continue to be powerful vehicles for conveying messages of change. From music festivals to public art exhibitions, these forms of expression can raise awareness and unite people around common causes.

Adopt an Environmentally Friendly Lifestyle

Respect for nature was a central value of the hippie movement. Today, this means adopting sustainable practices, such as reducing waste, choosing eco-responsible products and supporting organic and local agriculture. These actions, although small, contribute to a significant positive environmental impact.

The Impact of Community and Solidarity

Hippies strongly believed in the power of community. In keeping with this principle, engaging in community projects or supporting charitable organizations can be a powerful way to continue their legacy. Solidarity and mutual aid are keys to building a better and fairer future.

Hippie activism, while rooted in the past, offers valuable lessons for our present and future. By drawing inspiration from their commitment to peace, the environment and social justice, we can continue to work for a better world, faithful to the hippie spirit. This legacy is a call to action, inviting us to become agents of change in our own lives and in our community.

Spirituality and Meditation: The Heart of the Hippie Soul

Within the hippie movement, the quest for inner peace and harmony with the universe has always held a central place. This part of the article explores the spiritual and meditation practices associated with the hippie movement, highlighting their importance not only in history, but also in their contemporary application.

Yoga: Union of Body and Spirit

Yoga, much more than just a physical activity, is a deep spiritual practice, rooted in hippie philosophy. By embodying the union of body and mind, yoga offers a path to inner peace and balance. By practicing regularly, one can achieve a state of overall well-being, crucial for navigating the modern world.

Mindfulness: Living in the Present Moment

Mindfulness, or the practice of paying conscious, nonjudgmental attention to the present moment, is another cornerstone of hippie spirituality. This approach allows you to connect more deeply with yourself and your environment, promoting a feeling of peace and contentment. Integrating mindfulness into everyday activities, like walking or eating, can transform ordinary moments into enriching experiences.

Meditation: A Journey to Inner Peace

Meditation is a powerful tool for calming the mind and awakening intuition. In the hippie context, it is seen as a journey towards self-discovery and connection with the universe, often practiced under the soft light of a 70s lamp , symbolizing the quest for peace and harmony of this era. Meditating regularly helps reduce stress, improves concentration and promotes a more positive outlook on life.

The Daily Application: A Practice Accessible to All

Integrating these spiritual practices into daily life does not require big changes. Starting with small sessions of yoga or meditation, even just a few minutes a day, can have a significant impact. The important thing is to stay consistent and listen to your body and mind.

In conclusion, these spiritual practices are not only vestiges of a bygone era, but living and evolving tools, adapted to our contemporary world. They offer a path to authentic well-being, in line with the values ​​of the hippie movement, while being accessible and relevant for each of us today.

Fully Embracing the Hippie Lifestyle: Keys and Final Thoughts


In our journey through the colorful and inspiring world of the hippies, we explored various aspects that define this iconic movement. From bold clothing style to ideals of peace and love , each element is a piece of this fascinating puzzle.

The hippie spirit, much more than a simple fashion trend or a historical period, represents an approach to life focused on freedom , tolerance and harmony . By adopting some of these practices and philosophies, we can enrich our daily experience, moving us closer to a more authentic and balanced existence.

Integrating hippie philosophy into modern life is not just an act of nostalgia; it’s a way of reaffirming timeless values ​​in our ever-changing world. By choosing clothing that reflects our individuality, listening to music that nourishes our soul, adopting an environmentally responsible diet and lifestyle, and remaining committed to social causes, we do much more than follow a fashion – we honor a heritage rich in meaning and depth.

The invitation here is therefore clear and exciting. Explore these principles , test them in your life, and see how they resonate with your own values ​​and aspirations. Whether you choose to go for a complete look or simply incorporate certain elements into your style, the important thing is to stay true to yourself.

Dare to express your uniqueness , while respecting the richness of the diversity that surrounds us. The hippie world is a vibrant reminder that, in our search for meaning and connection, we share a common desire: to live in a more peaceful, more just and more loving world.

For those who wish to deepen their understanding or commitment to this way of life, many resources exist. Books, documentaries, workshops, and even online communities are available to enrich your journey. Moreover, this guide offers an overview of the hippie movement, notably its peak in the 60s, its orientation towards peace, music, the exploration of psychotropic drugs and free love. It can provide basic information about the hippie lifestyle and philosophy​.

Ultimately, being a hippie is about embracing a life path that values ​​beauty, peace, and universal love . It is a personal and collective journey towards a future where everyone is free to be authentically themselves, while living in harmony with others and nature. So, open your heart, free your mind, and let the magic of the hippie spirit enrich your life.


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